Monday, December 04, 2006

Ines of My Soul by Isabel Allende is historical fiction based on the life of Ines Suarez a conquistadora who helped conquer Chile. The story is definitely amazing. Inez, in Spain, is a seamstress who marries a shiftless, but great lover, who disappears to the New World. Inez goes hunting for him and meets up with Pedro de Valdivia who goes on, with her help, to conquer Peru.

This story is about the role women played from battle to dowsing in the conquest of civilizations in S. America. Actually, very interesting even with an epic poem. Allende created a bibliography of her research while writing this book and notes that, "the feats of Inez Suarez noted by the chroniclers of her era were nearly ignored by historians for four hundred years".

One thing I didn't like(even though it has to be a major part of the book) is all of the battles. I guess it wouldn't be a conquest without them. I think I liked Daughter of Fortune better.

1 comment:

Frannie Farmer said...

I have seen this book and wondered if I should add it to my ever growing list of must reads ... I liked Daughter of Fortune as well .. I think I will add it on the 'get to it in time' portion of my reading list.