Monday, November 12, 2007

What ta do- I've been so negligent. I guess I'm bored with blogging. Or maybe I just don't have anything exciting happening (not that life has ever been Hollywood, movie star, tabloid exciting). Just like so many other projects, once the newness wears off, I'm on to something different. But, let me back up, life is exciting. I'm just on a contemplative path.

After having another birthday, I figure I have another twenty or so years to enjoy. So, what do I do? Some people make a list of the things they want to accomplish or experience. A good idea, I say. Lists are great, but all that rushing around to get to something just doesn't make it with me anymore. I did the daily schedule- be on time, have a plan, get ready, for years. Now, I strive to be more spontaneous. I like the idea of being on "Navajo time". That means whenever I get there or start for that matter. Maybe I just don't want to put out the effort.
Or maybe I'm not being creative with my list. Let's see, I've been completely around the world from Iowa City, Iowa back to Iowa City, Iowa with stops in San Francisco, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Calcutta, Athens, Frankfurt, Iceland, and many points in between. I'd love to see Australia and New Zeeland. My big dream is to visit Machu Piccu. I've been to the top of the Tokyo Tower, viewed the Great Buddha, marveled at the mosaic work on the Taj Mahal, sat under the Buddha tree, roamed the Parthenon in Greece, saw the Lipizzans in Austria, and traveled by ox cart and freighter. What would I like to see? Well, for starters, the pyramids in Egypt, English gardens in London, and the sequoia trees.
OK, so now I'm started. I got out my book 1,000 Places To See Before You Die by Patricia Schultz. But, back to reality. I don't have the means to go to all of the places. Am I sad? No. Maybe if I had never been anywhere I would be longing and regretting.

So, I'm back to what do I want to accomplish and experience. The list needs to be about little things- birds, foods, day trips, changing my house around, cleaning out drawers. I need a list of common things, doable things, things I can do today without a major plan or money. Maybe that's the key. I don't need to hurry, I don't need the money, and the accomplishments don't need to be big. It's like Navajo time, whenever I start and whenever I get there, just being is enough.

Did that make any sense whatsoever?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, here is the first comment from one of your fans. What a positive way to look at puttsin' around the house. Yes, those are all very comfortable and pleasant things to do in retirement. But like Peggy Lee sang, " that all there is, my friend..." At least we can discuss the possibilities of "other things" Just the discussion of such possibilities can be a stimulating diversion.