Thursday, June 05, 2008

Love in the Time of Cholera, the flic, was pretty true to the book. I'm not sure if I liked it or not. The main character,Florentino, was pretty crazy. We find out later that the guy's father was crazy too. Then there is sexual abuse, which adds more to the trauma. I'm sure there is a medical or psychological term for his condition, but I can't think of it. So basically, the guy stalked women and added them to his list of conquests. All this in the name of love. At least, the main characters idea of love. Anyway, Florentino, stays obsessed with Fermina even after 50 years, and waits for Fermina's husband to die. The old girl (on the rebound) doesn't believe anything bad about the old guy and quickly jumps into bed with him. How harmless. I thought the movie was kinda creepy.

I'm leaving out the details, because you'll have to judge for yourself.

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