Tuesday, July 01, 2008

A new month and a new car? No, it just looks new because I cleaned it today. Boy, what is the world coming to? I like my car, I like a clean car, but I am not a fanatic or even near a fanatic when it comes to the cleanliness of my ride. I just want the car to go, stop, and get me to my destination. But, I have been meaning to get out there and really give the buggy a cleaning. I usually consider my car as an extra room or a shed and I have all kinds of goodies from school in the backseat or in the wayback. At this moment there are two blankets and a quilt in the wayback and a six pack of Honey Moon beer bottles to return to the store. I got all of the pennies out, I cleaned out the popcorn under the front seat, and I found a lifetime's supply of inkpens that had fallen down between the edge of the two front seats. I will spare the details of all of the other junk in and under the seats, but I can tell you that my car hasn't looked this good since I bought it nearly 10 years ago. No, I'm not interested in a detailing side job. I even hate to tell FB because his jeep is a mess and I don't want to do this job again for a loonnngg time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Subarus are getting old. I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to a new(er) one.
