Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Yes, I'm back! I couldn't pass up this chance to reflect on the past year, 2008. And what a year it was. I think a list will serve my purpose best.

Both Big F and I had a job. Teaching elementary art- finish carpenter. Thankful. Gas prices hit above the $4.oo mark.

Most of our at home time was taken up with wedding prep- it was fun.

Shower for A given by my friend C and myself. Lots of fun. I love giving parties.

Sad time was losing my mom- she had been in a nursing home for 3 1/2 years. I really miss her.

May- N and A's wedding- wonderful, more than I have ever hoped for. Beautiful, beautiful.

Saw many friends and relatives including my sister-in-law at the wedding.

Found my lost friend Rebecca, my reservation friend and world traveling companion. WOW.

T got a job as a principal downstate and moved- I lost my friend, neighbor and colleague.

Vacationed in Stratford , Canada. Stayed at Little Piece of Heaven B&B. Saw Cabaret. Stayed in Bayfield, Little Inn of Bayfield. Must be 12 years now going with M and R.

Got a grand dog named Wash. Big F finished a grand sauna. Organized and gave away lots of stuff. Cleaned out the polebarn with lots of effort from Big F.
Got a new president for my birthday. Yea, Barack.

Celebrated Thanksgiving in Ann Arbor with N, A, and Wash. Green chili enchiladas.

Celebrated Christmas here with N, A, Wash, R and M, C and Big F and Mudge. Turkey and ham.

Celebrated another wedding anniversary the day after Christmas. Again, WOW.

Read lots of books, saw more movies than I ever have before (Netflix), finished another year going to the gym.
Quietly at home tonight reading and listening to music. A fire in the woodstove, full from Chicken Tikka Masala for supper, had a sauna this afternoon, ending the year with ones I love- Big F and Mudge. Some may say my life isn't very exciting, but then, I don't want it to be. I'm happy with the way it has been. Grateful for all. Who knows what tomorrow will bring besides 2009.

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