Friday, May 15, 2009

Book #32 My Enemey's Cradle by Sara Young. Geez, do I read anything besides stories about death, destruction, and war? It sure seems to be my trend. This story was very good. The background is Nazi Germany's Lebensborn maternity homes which encouraged all "racially valuable" women and girls to have as many children as possible. Himmler's goal was to increase the population of the "Master Race". Maternity homes, in occupied countries, were set up where "suitable Aryan" girls pregnant by occupying forces could have their babies. These babies were considered German citizens and were taken to be raised in Nazi homes or institutions. This info is from the author's notes. I had never heard of such a thing.
Anyway, the main character, Cyrla, Jewish, sent to live with her aunt and uncle in Holland, tries to save herself by taking on the identity of her cousin who is pregnant- father, German soldier. Problem: cousin, Anneke was being sent to the Lebensborn. Cyrla has to deal with the pregnancy problem, keeping her identity secret,and her captivity at the Lebensborn. This story has many twists and turns with dispair, lonliness, fear, and tragedy. Luckily, there is a happy ending.

Bring on the foofoo and lighthearted. I'm ready for a little humor.

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