Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Book # 34 The Tricking of Freya by Christina Sunley. OMG, everything you would ever want to know, in vivid detail, about Iceland- language, mythology, geography, glaciers, Icelandic food and culture. All of this is tied up in Freya writing to her (maybe) cousin. Freya Morris lives in the US with her mother, but every summer goes to a little town in Canada to visit her relatives, ex-Icelanders. She is immersed into a world of Old Country ways. Birdie, her manic depressive aunt, tricks her into going to Iceland looking for her famous poet grandfather's correspondence. This is not the only trick in the book, as Freya tries to find her cousin and herself. The story is dark and cold. You will probably know the ending before the end, but will keep on reading just to make sure. I haven't read much on Iceland, so it was a welcome change.

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