Sunday, July 12, 2009

Book #41 The Help by Kathryn Stockett. This story is about Jackson, Mississippi in the 1960's. Miss Skeeter has come home after attending Ole Miss and wants to be a writer, but her mother is pushing her to marry Constance, the maid who raised her has been sent away, but it has been hushed-up. Aibileen is raising her seventeenth white child and Minny has been accused of stealing and finally lands a job with Miss Celia. Skeeter finds a writing subject when there is a campaign to have black maids use bathrooms outside the household like outhouses or bathrooms built in the garage. These black maids and white, Miss Skeeter, come together to write a book about black women taking care of white children and households. Many secrets are brought to light in this dangerous attempt at the truth . It is the time when Medgar Evers was shot on his door step, Martin Luther King led the march on Washington D. C, and racial violence was widespread in the South. These ladies know they put their jobs and families in peril, but once they start, the story of injustices has to be told.

This is a serious story told with humor. I really enjoyed the tale.

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