Tuesday, December 08, 2009

#60 One Thousand White Women by Jim Fergus. The author's note explains the idea for this story as the title suggests: " in 1854 at a peace conference at Fort Laramie, a prominent Northern Cheyenne chief requested of the U. S. Army authorities the gift of one thousand white women as brides for his young warriors." Of course, this didn't happen, but the author takes the idea and runs with it. And runs with it. And runs with it. Oh, and did I say, runs with it?

I really liked the idea, the character development, and the view of history ( especially since it wasn't the side mentioned in history books). However, somehow, I felt like the language didn't quite make it. I know the Irish girls had an accent and there was smigins of Indian language, but I felt like the characters were going to break into some modern talk. Can't really put my finger on it. Also, the story went on and on. I thought the author over stretched the possibilities. Again, I can't quite pinpoint when it should have stopped. But, hey, it's just my opinion.
I guess this is one you'll have to read to find out for yourself.

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