Monday, July 24, 2006

Faster than a speeding grater. Safe on the knuckles. I'm endorsing the Microplane rotary cheese grater. Very nice.

This cheese grater comes in black, has two metal wheels that can shred the cheese really thick or one that does the cheese really fine. It is easy to use. Just put in a small amount of cheese, face the opening toward your food, and turn the handle. Yummy ground cheese on your pasta . And what a breeze to clean up. The handle opens and drops out the grater wheel. It is made of heavy plastic, durable and yet attractive ( if you can say that about a cheese grater).

Big Fred got this contraption for Christmas. We use it when we have pasta or tacos. I got it at Crystal Crate and Cargo which is the ultimate kitchen store. I think it cost about $20 which was very reasonable. And the cheese tastes better when it comes in a chunk.

Don't wait until you need a cheese grater. Go to a kitchen store, browse, and just putts. It' s more fun than window shopping or going to the mall. In my case, I don't think it would be cheaper.

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