Wednesday, July 19, 2006

To go gray or not to go gray? That is the question.

O.K. I said I would stop coloring my hair once I retired. So, I'm retired. I said I liked it colored because I'm a professional and I felt I should be concerned about personal appearance since I was an example for children. I said, I never did such a thing when I was younger because I couldn't afford it and it just wasn't what the women in my family did. More reasons for hair color: my hair is gray and white (or all white for all I know), I always wanted to be a redhead, I enjoy pampering myself, I deserve it, it's fun.

On the other hand, my husband bluntly pointed out that if it is to attract men, it wasn't working. :) And, how shallow if it was an ego thing. "Vanity, vanity....

So, I'm old enough to realize all of these arguments pro and con. Maybe I just am not a risktaker (although I encourage everyone else to take risks). Maybe I don't want to come to grips with the idea that I'm getting old. Maybe it will look bad. I wish I could put my face on different hair colors like they can draw a house or plan a kitchen with CAD.

I haven't convinced myself one way or the other. Usually, I don't put these ideas out any further than my friends, but how does the world feel about old ladies dyeing their hair? I'll take all thoughts on the subject under consideration.


Anonymous said...

Go to Hocus Pocus and get some grey hair spray to try it out.

amanda said...

My advice? Ignore Big Fred. He's just trying to get a rise out of you... I bet you ARE attracting lots of men!
I like your red hair. It suits you. You could get it stripped, and see how it looks, and if you like it gray, leave it, and if you don't like it, get it colored again a couple weeks later.