Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Second week of my Master Gardener class. First week was about plants- kinds, structures, how they produce food, and unusual plants. That's just the beginning. We had a hands-on lab with all kinds of plants- milkweed, onions, walnuts, corn, wire weed, etc. It wasn't too bad since my major is Biology and I taught 5th and 6th grade Science for years. But, so much learning crammed into three hours.

I guess we got off to a bad start. The lady presenting was very knowledgeable, but she went overtime. Class started at 5:30 and was to end at 9:30. I really dislike going overtime and on top of that, we had to clean up. The worse part, all of those plants have pollen, and it set off my fall allergies. By the time we got done, my eyes were nearly swollen shut and I had a sore throat. To say the lease, I wasn't a happy gardener.

This week we are studying about plant diseases, insect damage, and which plant should go where according to conditions. So, so much to learn. Hopefully, my allergies won't flare up. I know, whine, whine. What happened to my enthusiasm?

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