Saturday, October 28, 2006

Yes, a Pileated Woodpecker stopped by our birdfeeder on Friday. He wrestled with a large chunk of woodpecker suet on the feeder, flew to a nearby tree to crack the suet apart, came back to the feeder, and then flew to our garden trellis. The sun was starting to shine and the red crest on his head was truly a sight. It is the first time we have ever seen this type of woodpecker in our yard.

It was about 18 in. long and very impressive. Pileated woodpeckers are relatively shy and prefer woodland areas. We have seen them at our neighbor's who live on a wooded pond and often when we drive through areas with lots of dead trees. But, this was our firsttime visitor. He was probably coming to tell us that it is going to snow again tomorrow. No matter, he was really cool.

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