Friday, March 02, 2007

Aunt B Drinks. Yes, coffee. Have I ever told you I love coffee? I just finished my 4 o'clock coffee break with two cups of coffee, with cream plus a few cookies. It is a very luxurious habit.

Now, there was a time when I only drank black coffee, but trying cream in my coffee while on vacation changed that. And there was a time that I favored flavored coffees like vanilla and Irish cream. We even went through a time when we would buy Kona Blend or Hawaiian and have it ground. For awhile, we ground our own coffee. But, no more. Our house coffee is Gourmet Supreme by Folgers. This is a coffee you can find on any grocery store shelf. We like it!

How about coffee pots? We've had a large number over the years. Hard water will do them in every time. We even had a Braun and top names, but no use. Still they get corroded. When we recently cleaned out the basement, we found six coffee pots. I think they were multiplying down there. We now stick to the cheapest Mr. Coffee, and when it starts slowing down, we get a new one.

At any rate, Big Fred takes two thermoses to work each morning, so we go through many a canister. I try to buy extra when it is on sale, but that is rarely the case lately.

I found out how much I love coffee when I was in the Canadian blackout a few years ago. When all of the lights went out and people on the streets were speculating about terrorists, I was in a shop getting what might have been my last cup of coffee. I sometimes have to drink decaff, but I prefer full leaded. And when I'm old, I sure hope I don't have to give up my java and drink Sanka. Bluucckk!


Frannie Farmer said...

Ohhh Sanka. Bleck is right. I hope I don't have to settle for that either.
With my migraines, I have attempted to give up the joe and then finally my Dr. said 'either stop completely or KEEP drinking it .. stop going back and forth' - so, of course I chose the KEEP drinking it option.
I go through phases regarding the types I prefer - generally it is 'the stronger the better' variety :O)

Anonymous said...

Nothing beats dark roasted beans in a french press- NOTHING!