Sunday, March 04, 2007

Aunt B Eats. Yesterday was a blustery, snowy day, but we went to town. Had to get out of the house (when I start cleaning the drawer under the kitchen stove, you know it is time. It's called cabin fever). Anyway, we ate out at Scallywags downtown T.C. This is basically a fastfood fish joint where they take your order at the counter and you get your drinks. I got the whitefish basket $7.29 and BF got the perch. Food was good, large portions of deep fried fish and fries with a little tub of creamy coldslaw.
The decor is really nautical. Half of a boat hangs on the wall. It has lots of vintage boatmotors, posters of fish, bait buckets for lampshades overhead (BF wondered if they met code), decoys and fishing rods, a mural featuring fish that would be out in the bay, and advertisements for fishing gear. Even the salt and pepper shakers were red and white bobbers.
Well, with such an interesting decor and tasty food, you would think I would be satisfied. Nope. When we walked in the air was thick with the smell of grease. Apparently, in this new building, the exhaust fans are not adequate. And, I hate the smell of grease! So, it really put a damper on my total eating experience.
I do think Scallywags will be successful when tourist season hits, since it is in a good downtown location, next to a hotel, and a quick, casual way to eat fish. That is, if they get that exhaust fixed. Although, I probably won't go there again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

flingers, shadows, slappers, skulkers, shimmers, boomers, bangers, scallywags... why do people name restaurants with weird, nonsensical plural(?) possessive (?) adverb / adjectives? I don't get it.

I like the new blog template-very classy. You need to fix your links however.