Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Spring snow. Just as predicted, it's too early for spring. We have blizzard warnings up until 8 am tomorrow, with winds gusting up to 45 mph. So far, there isn't the snow that they predicted 10-12 in., but that could still come by tomorrow. The poor frogs and robins!
My aunt and uncle just returned from Florida and probably brought this storm just like they did last year. Burrr- I hope they didn't put away their long underwear.
But, I'm cozy-listening to CATS, cleaned the bathroom, made the bed, tried on some spring clothes ( I actually fit into them), and have spagetti sauce in the works.
So much for being on Spring Break. I envy the folks who made a mad dash to warmer climes, but I bet they will hate coming back. Darn Spring, you do this every year!!!

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