Monday, September 24, 2007

A few weeks back, I went to the Epicurean Classic in TC . It was fabulous. A great place to rub elbows with the high brows, big rollers. and foodies around our parts. I went to a class given by Alice Medrich. She was basically promoting her new book, Pure Dessert. Lots of fun, since she made chocolate souffles, touilles, and honey ice cream. All were wonderfully tasty and easy to make.

My favorite was the honey ice cream. So, woe is me, I want an ice cream maker. I checked one out a the kitchen store and I have a $10 coupon there. I want one for my birthday which is coming up in Nov. Oh boy, there are so many yummy flavors to try. I wonder if we will be eating ice cream every night? I wonder if we could put just a few scoops in the bowl?

My sources say that it is totally out of the question. Don't even think about it. He screams, Are you nuts???


amanda said...

I'm not sure who your sources are, but I agree - leave the ice cream maker alone!

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could get it and have someone hold on to if for you...