Friday, September 14, 2007

Want a quick and easy dessert? Well, tonight I'm preparing one of my favorite chocolate dishes. But, it's not in a dish. I'm talking about m&m peanuts in a 1.74 oz. bag. Now this chocolate specialty has 250 calories, 30 g of carbs, and 5 g of protein. It is really quite filling and satisfying. It tastes great with coffee, you get that sugar hit, and you won't be eating it for a week like you would a chocolate cake. So, that's the beauty of candy. Quick, easy, tasty. I have even put the cute yellow bag beside each plate. I don't think it fits in with the the sophisticated ways to serve up the dessert course, but it works for me. No fuss, no muss.


Frannie Farmer said...

Yep one of my fav's too!

Anonymous said...

Apparently they have dark chocolate ones but I have yet to try them.