Thursday, July 13, 2006

No, it's not the yellow brick road. Big Fred is making a serpentine brick path from the brick patio to the bricked-in garden. It looks very charming like a Mary Engelbreit drawing.

We have a cottage garden with vegetables and flowers, mostly flowers. I planted one eggplant and two zucchini. I think the plants are stunted since they don't seem to be thriving. The tomatoes, however, are doing well. The cherry tomato plants are rather gangly, but I have loads of little tomatoes already on them. It's hard to buy just four tomato plants when you have been raised on a farm with 200 tomato plants. I started with four plants, but then wanted some yellow pear tomatoes. What I thought were yellow pear turned out to be more cherry tomatoes, so now I'm up to eight plants. I finally purchased four yellow pear tomato plants which are still pretty small. So, most of my garden is tomatoes. The good thing is that I like to make salads with tomatoes. My husband doesn't like them. And since we are gentlemen farmers ( our definition is that we plant it, but don't care if anything is harvested).

Big Fred does like roses and clematis vines. We have a lovely variety of both and they're just starting to bloom. So, the brick path connects the house with the garden. I'll be happy when it is completed because, as my son always taunted, "She loves her garden!"

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