Monday, March 05, 2007

A really good, intense book is Madame Curie by her daughter Eve Curie. This book explains Marie Curie's fantastic career and life with Pierre Curie. It lists her many prizes, books, papers, awards, and credentials.
The biography tells of her brilliance, sacrifice, and role in bringing education and scientific acclaim to women. Her life had little pleasure, but she found pure joy in scientific discovery with her husband, Pierre.
As a young woman, in Poland, she suffered many hardships to get an education and to be recognized for her genius. Her life, as told by her daughter, is a prime example of perseverance and dedication to a field claimed by men. She didn't seek fortune or fame. Instead, she did her work, raised a family including a Nobel Prize winning daughter, and literally gave her life to the study of radium and radiology. She is the only woman to be given two Nobel Prizes, one for Chemistry and one for Peace.
Her story is inspiration for all women. She was a truly amazing human being.

1 comment:

Frannie Farmer said...

There you go again .. another one to add to my list!