Thursday, July 06, 2006

My hometown library-900 sq. feet. I love the people and the idea of being able to borrow. I don't need to possess (unlike Big Fred). I think you can check out 25 items. I tell the librarians that I keep them in business. Sometimes a wheelbarrow would be helpful in getting my selections to the car.

I have been going to this library for 50 years. When we were in grade school, we would walk up to the town library every Friday. I couldn't wait because not only could I get books, but they gave away magazines. I shared my reading materials with my mom. She would read my book during the day while I was at school. I think we went through the Little House series together . Sometimes she would read aloud to me. What a gift!

Now, when I come into the library, they say,"That book hasn't been published yet." They tell me to put my initials in books because I tend to forget what I have read. It is like my own special cache.

Good news is that we are building a new library. It's really heady to be a part of a group ( Friends of the Library), who have raised $780,000+. Everyone has worked so hard. I'm thrilled to be a part of such a caring community.

So, that's my story about the library. As Charles W. Elliot (1834-1926) said, "Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers." Yup.

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