Sunday, July 02, 2006

So many books, so little time. I think I got it right this time. Each summer I read the same books. The Country of the Pointed Fir by Sarah Orne Jewett is first on the stack. This book, published in 1896, is about the quiet life and colorful folks who live in the Maine fishing village of Dunnet Landing as seen through the eyes of a young woman writer . I'm especially interested in Mrs. Todd, the landlady, and her knowledge of herbs and herbal medicine. I've read this book a number of times, but never knew about London pride (saxifraga urbium) or elecampane (horse heal). I don't have these plants in my garden, but I'll know them when I see them. I'm not finished with the book, so who knows where it will lead me. I do enjoy the descriptions of an uncomplicated time, just right for a sleepy summer afternoon. No need to rush to get finished. I wonder what other people read during the summer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm reading Wicked. I'll have to read it again because I keep getting confused. Either I am missing things or the author likes to be extra crafty.