Monday, August 21, 2006

Aunt B Eats at the Hard Luck Cafe in TC. I took mom out to the Hard Luck Cafe for brunch. This use to be the Chicken Coop.

It's a small diner, but not fast food. The menu featured breakfast along with pork and beef sandwiches and chicken. I ordered eggs, bacon, hashbrown potatoes, and toast. Mom ordered one pancake for $1.49. It was as big as a dinner plate. By sharing the bacon ( 5 pieces), we had plenty for two people. I know that many people (especially Big Fred) can eat these giant breakfasts, but I wish they would serve less food because I hate to waste it.

The waitress was nice, the food was standard for breakfast, and the decor was pleasing. Toast was made from local bakery bread so it was yummy. Hopefully, we will go again because I could get Mom's wheelchair in through the double doors. Everyone was very helpful. We spent a quiet morning together.


amanda said...

Wait a second - Hard Rock Cafe in Traverse City? Are you sure? Is this like the HRCs all over the world? I just can't picture one in TC...

Anonymous said...

Dear aged mother,

You did not take grandma to the Hard Rock Cafe. You took her to the Hard Luck Cafe, a diner named for the long series of failed eateries that came before it in that location. Big difference.

queenb2u said...

Yes, all knowing son, I goofed. Could say it was a slight misspelling. I'm just happy I didn't put an "F" in there.