Thursday, December 28, 2006

With Christmas over, it's time for the Snowbirds (relatives and friends from the North who go to the warm climes) to head to Florida. They are looking forward to sunshine, warm temps., and golf everyday. I can't blame them, since it has rained here all day with gloomy gray clouds overhead.

I was talking to BF about going south for the winter, but we both decided that we would only leave home if it was to go visiting our family for a short while. I guess we are just home bodies. When we are retired and have the time we might change our minds, but for right now, we have no desire to go to Florida or Alabama or Texas. Give us a few years and we'll probably be wishing and praying to get out of here.

Bring on the snow. We have the new plow. We're ready! Bye, bye everyone, see you when the robins come home.

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